We endeavour to ensure that the information on this site is current and accurate but you should confirm any information with the product or service provider and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD) or the information they can provide. If you decide to apply for a product or service through our website you will be dealing directly with the provider of that product or service and not with us. We also don't recommend specific products, services or providers. Although we cover a wide range of products, providers and services we don't cover every product, provider or service available in the market so there may be other options available to you. We are not owned by any Bank or Insurer and we are not a product issuer or a credit provider. We hope that the information and general advice we can provide will help you make a more informed decision. Please refer to our FSG - General Insurance. 511363 for the provision of general insurance products. We are also a Corporate Authorised Representative of Countrywide Insurance Group Pty Ltd trading as "Austbrokers Countrywide" ABN 51 586 953 292 AFSL No.

We can also provide you with general advice and factual information on about a range of other products, services and providers. Please refer to our Credit Guide for more information. We also provide general advice on credit products under our own Credit Licence ACL 385509. Please refer to our FSG - Financial Products. However, Jon's reaction doesn't tell whether he likes it or not.Disclaimer - Hive Empire Pty Ltd (trading as, ABN: 18 118 785 121) provides factual information, general advice and services on financial products as a Corporate Authorised Representative (432664) of Advice Evolution Pty Ltd AFSL 342880. She sticks a slice of ham on his chest and eats them.

There's a new 5-minute scene where Annie has a date with a guy called Pete.He asks Annie to hand her the disposable shaver and shaves his sister's armpits. When Annie is at the bathroom, Gil (Matt Lucas) and his sister were in the bathtub together.
In the new cut, after Lilian admits crapping her wedding dress, Annie starts to feel uncomfortable, gets out of the car and throws up.